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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Orange/Blue Birthday Kit

                              Orange and Blue Birthday Kit

This kit includes:

6 double sided 12x12 scrapbook pages by Basic Grey
1 Happy Birthday sticker by Karen Foster
2 Birthday borders by Karen Foster

This kit is pre-cut for you with emailed directions to put your kit together.

The cost of this kit is $15.00.  Please email us if you would like one of these kits.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Another Peak

You will also find these on the next layout....available Thursday, October 4th!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

You will find me on the next layout......

The kit will be available Thursday, October 4th.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Me&MyBigIdeas "Soft Spoken" Sticker Sale

Are you in need of great stickers for your layouts?

We have ordered Easter, Birthday, Pumpkins, Christmas, School and Summer stickers from Me&MyBigIdeas.

You will get 6 packs of stickers for $28.00.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

School Kit Examples

I found these great layouts by Aly D using WeRMemoryKeepers "Hall Pass" Collection.  She is a guest designer for WeRMemoryKeepers, you can see these and other layouts on  .  I hope her layouts gives you other ideas how to use this great collection.

These kits are not pre-cut---so you can choose the designed layouts we completed or one of Aly D's layouts.  The cost of the "Hall Pass" kit is $29.00.  Please email us if you would like one these kits.

4 of 6

Package 4 of 6

Sunday, September 16, 2012

SNEAK PEEK Of Something New....

We both love Me and My Big Ideas Soft Spoken Embellishment Stickers!
So, we are getting a treat ready for YOU!

Here's a SNEAK PEEK of what's coming up!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

School Layouts

We made several designs using WeRMemoryKeepers "Hall Pass" collection.  These kits will NOT be pre-cut for you so you can decide which paper you want to use with your pictures.  Directions will be emailed to you with deminisions for you to cut your kits. 

The top piece can be changed from the red, green, orange or dark brown papers in the collection. 

The bottom piece can be changed using the circles, stripes, alphabet, or book paper found in the collection. 

The Kit Cost $29.00.

Here are some examples we made using this great kit!

Have a great school year!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Getting Ready For School

We are getting ready for school pictures with WeRMemory Keepers "Hall Pass" Collection ---Great for your Kindergartener or Senior!

Kit includes:

14--12x12 Double Sided Cardstock Pages
2--12x12 Solid Blue Cardstock Pages
1 Package of Chipboard Words
1 Sheet of Cardstock Stickers
1 School Zone Die Cut

Kit Cost $29.00    
This kit will be available on Thursday, September 13th.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Other Layouts

I wanted to share with you other layouts using all three of the summer collections.  I hope this gives you some inspiration to use the rest of your pages in each kit. 

                 June---Pebbles Inc. "Fresh Goods" Collection

July---Little Yellow Bicycle "Splash" Collection
August---Little Yellow Bicycle "The Escape" Colection
Disney World Trip

Thank You for purchasing the summer kits.  We have a few kits left if you would like one, they are $35.00.